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"Excerpt from Muse" (Halcyone: 2019)
"Saving Bone" (iMap Books: 2013)
"Somebody's Daughter" (Truth or Dare, edited by Liz Miles, Running Press: May 2011)
"Troll Bumps" (Love and Sex, edited by Michael Cart, Simon & Schuster: Spring 2001)
"The Book" (Lost and Found, edited by M. Jerry and Helen S. Weiss, Tor Books: 2000)
"It's All Whoring" (The Packingtown Review: May 2025)
"Becoming (Help Wanted)" (PRISM international 62.2: Spring 2024)
"A Girl's Guide to Camping" (Arcturus: July 2023)
"Girls! Girls! Girls!" (BlazeVOX Journal: Spring 2022)
"Raini is Luca" (ImageOurWrite: 2018)
"Losing at the Slot Machine" (Voya, Volume 31, Number 1: April 2008)
"Letter from Shelley Stoehr" (Dear Author: Letters of Hope, edited by Joan Kaywell, Philomel: 2007)
Controversial Issues in the Lives of Contemporary Young Adults (The ALAN Review, Volume 24, Number 2: Winter 1997)
"dawning," "lap dance" (Muse-Pie Press: October 2024)
"muscle memory" (Tofu Ink Arts Press: Fall 2024)
"According to the Tibetan Book of the Dead …" (Half and One: August 2024)
"the ghosts you chase you never catch" (Beyond Words: June 2024)
"Oh, Self," "Fill my mouth …," "Mardi Gras Lament" (BlazeVOX Journal: Fall 2023)
"My Love is Like a Poem," "Virgin Mother Whore" (The Best Sixty-Four Poets of 2019: Fall 2020)
"#" (34thParallel: February 2020)
"Love Me LoveMeLoveMeLove" (The North American Review: Spring 2019)
"Text-ure": "Subtext," "Context," "Pretext" (Dead Alive Magazine: June 2018)
"Dating Decisions," "Empathy" (The Gordian Review: March 2018)
"Mental Masturbation" (Fresh Ink: Spring, 2017)